近代日本の資本主義と修養主義に関する一試論 : 群馬県桐生地方における企業内教育を事例として


  • Capitalism and Shuyoshugi in modern Japan : A case study on education in company in Kiryu, Gunma prefecture
  • キンダイ ニホン ノ シホン シュギ ト シュウヨウ シュギ ニ カンスル イ



Tsutsui proposed a hypothesis that Shuyoshugi was the ethos which sustained the development of capitalism in modern Japan. In order to examine this hypothesis, this paper analyzed the following two points. (1) Relationship between Shuyoshugi movements and Seiichi Tejima, the president of Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko that played an important role in the process of the development of capitalism. (2) Education in two representative modern companies in Kiryu district, both of which were run by the graduates of Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko. Following points were made clear. By the patronage of Tejima toward Shuyodan (a representative group of Shuyoshugi movements), many students of Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko became the member of this group. Two graduates of this school who became the managers of the two major modern companies in Kiryu developed education in their companies based on Shuyoshugi. Both companies had good business performances and this Shuyoshugi movement permeated through the district. Thus, a new hypothesis can be proposed that education based on Shuyoshugi in Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko had a considerable effect on the development of capitalism in Kiryu district.




  • 仙台大学紀要

    仙台大学紀要 29 (1), 20-29, 1997-10-01

    柴田町 (宮城県) : 仙台大学

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