墨経の思想 : 経下・経説下について

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  • ボクケイ ノ シソウ ケイ カ ケイセツ カ ニ ツイテ
  • The Thought of Mo-ching(墨経)

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Mo-ching consists of four chapters; the first two chapters of ching (scripture) and shuo (explanation) and the second two chapters of chiug and shno. The first two chapters of ching and shuo are different from the second chapters in their contents and forms. As the first chapter of ching defines terms; the sentences are brief. So the shuo are written to supplement the sentences in ching. Accordingly, there are some differences between the explanations of terms in shuo and the definitions of terms in ching. As regards the contents of the first chapter of ching, it explains the terminology in the text necessary for the disciples of Mo-chia (墨家) school to study. The first chapter of ching begins with the explanation of Ku (故). It has two meanings; one is the reason of existence of things and the other is the things themselves. The one hundred articles of the first chapter of ching consist of the definitions of the terms. As is in the first chapter of ching, the second begins with the item of Lei (類) and it has the eighty-two articles in all. Lei means classifications of the things or analyses of the terms. Almost all the con ents of the second chapter of ching are the explanations of the themes of the sophists at that time. As being able to see the expressions of "shuo (explanation) exists in …." in the second chapter of ching, as it were, ching contains the explana tion of shuo in itself. For the complicate problems which cannot be made clear in such brief sentences as in the first chapter of ching, the second had to express its views for its own disciples and against other sophists. In this, we can point out this characteristic methode of recognition which is supported by the activities of Mo-chia school. Especially, there can be seen Mo-chia's standpoint and self-consiousness about the sophistic themes; in the second chapter, its viewpoints has come to be clearly and consiously established. The writer intends to study the development process from the first chapter of ching to the second and to try to

understand the characteristics of Mo-ching through the concrete analyses.


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