

  • ダイタイケイ ノ セカイ ト モノガタリ カフカ ボルヘス オオエ ケンザブロウ ムラカミ ハルキ
  • <Alternative> World and the Novel-Kafka, Borges,Kenzaburo Oe, Haruki Murakami



When the literary genre of the novel appeared in nineteenth-century modern Western society, and later on throughout the world, the way it described everyday existence as is, can be called a form of realism. However, as the twentieth century began, this principle started to transform. As can be seen in Freud's theories of the unconscious mind, Einstein's theory of relativity, and Spengler's The Downfall of the Occident, a change occurred in the views of humanity, the world, and history, and novels appeared reflecting this shift in reality, such as Kafka's Metamorphosis, and Borges' The Garden of Forking Paths. This change in the principle of the novel has remarkably influenced contemporary Japanese literature. For example, Kenzaburo Oe's The Game of Contemporaneity rewrites history of a premodern village in Shikoku from the viewpoint of outerspace, sublimating history to a myth. In Haruki Murakami's 1Q84, the fate of a man and woman who find themselves in an alternate reality is described.

This trend reflects the culture of virtual reality that has become an integral part of our daily lives, and it signifies the changes that have occurred from modern to postmodern civilization.



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