The Return of the Nativeにおける絵画化された水死体


  • Tne Return of the Nativeにおける絵画化された水死体
  • Tne Return of the Native ニ オケル カイガカ サレタ スイシタイ
  • The pictorial drowned body in The Return of the Native



In the nineteenth century, a female drowned body was a significant motif in visual culture. While Found Drowned (1848-50) by G. F. Watt depicts a miserable fallen woman, Ophelia (1851-2) by Sir John Everett Millais represents female purity and madness. These representations of drowned women were closely related to the middle class ideal of women in the Victorian society: ‘the angel in the house.' This essay compares these two paintings with an illustration by Arthur Hopkins of the Return of the Native in Belgravia in order to reveal similarities and differences among them. Through such comparison, this essay aims to make clear the implications of Eustacia Vye's drowned body.

In the Return of the Native, Eustacia, called a ‘witch' by villagers in Egdon Heath, is depicted as a traitor against the Victorian moral code in terms of which some similarities can be found between her and the ‘fallen woman' in the Victorian age. However, Eustacia is represented at the same time as a melancholic and pure woman like Millais' “Ophelia." Such ambiguity suggests that her drowned body is quite different from that of the fallen woman and, therefore, allows readers to interpret her death in contradictory ways. Eustacia's drowned body symbolizes not only her unfulfilled escape from the patriarchal society, but also her relentless deviation from the forged ideal of Victorian women.

19世紀の視覚芸術において、女性の水死体は重要なモチーフであった。女性の水死体の表象は、中産階級における女性の新しい理想像と密接に結びついていた。そのため、代表的な二作品、G. F. ワットの『溺死』とジョン・エバレット・ミレーの『オフィーリア』には、堕ちた女と純潔な女性という相反する女性の表象が読みとれる。本稿においては、これら二作品と『帰郷』がベルグラヴィス誌連載時に、アーサー・ホップキンスによって描かれたユーステイシア・ヴァイの水死体の挿絵との比較を通して、三作品の共通点と相違点を指摘する。さらに、その比較を通して、ユーステイシアの水死体に含意された意味を読み解く。



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