宮沢賢治作品の「装景樹」と植生景観 : 「田園を平和にする」白樺、獨乙唐檜、やまならし

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  • ミヤザワ ケンジ サクヒン ノ ソウケイジュ ト ショクセイ ケイカン デンエン オ ヘイワ ニ スル シラカバ ドイツ トウヒ ヤマナラシ
  • Landscape Architecture Trees and Vegetation Landscape in Kenji Miyazawa's Works : Betula platyphylla var. japonica, Picea abies and Populus × canadensis That Make Rural Landscape Peaceful

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In May 1924, in a report about the school excursion to Hokkaido he had attended as a teacher, Kenji Miyazawa wrote that the rural region in Iwate had a complicated, gloomy landscape as compared with those in Hokkaido, which had been developed after the township system in the United States. He believed that he could improve the gloomy landscape in Iwate's rural landscape by planting three trees, Betula platyphylla Sukaychev (Miq.) ver. japonica Hara, Picea abies (L.) H. Karst and Populus × canadensis Moench. This is what we call "landscape planning" today, but Miyazawa took this idea from the concept of "sokei" (landscape architecture) shown by Tsuyoshi Tamura in 1918. In this article, the author calls these trees of three genera sokeiju (landscape architecture trees), analyzes the way Miyazawa depicted them in his works, and examines how he chose them as sokeiju from among the diverse species of plants in Iwate. In those days, when the burning of grassland and pastureland and the periodic felling of trees for firewood and charcoal were widely practiced, Betula platyphylla Sukaychev (Miq.) var. japonica Hara, a common and pioneer species of secondary forest in Iwate, occurred mainly at the foot of Mount Iwate as well as in the middle and northern parts of the Kitakami Mountains. Therefore, this species appears in many of Miyazawa's works, and the vegetation landscape (from natural to secondary to artificial vegetation) in which they are set has the widest diversity among the three species above mentioned. Poplus sieboldii Miq, a native species in Iwate, is found only in one of Miyazawa's works (a short novel), which mentions artificial vegetation landscape such as secondary forests at the foot of hills and orchards. Other species of this genus, introduced species of Populus × canadensis Moench and Populus alba L. appear in works that are set in artificial vegetation landscape ranging from urban to rural regions. The number of works in which Picea abies (L.) H. Karst, an introduced species, appear is the least among the three species. Because, P. abies (L.) H. Karst was primarily planted to botanical garden of the Morioka Agriculture and Forestry College, windbreak of a railroad or arable land and western style gardens. Miyazawa left poems and short novels that allow the author to assume that he developed draft plans for landscape architecture using the trees he selected, but there is no evidence that such plans were carried out. Nor did the social situation at that time allow anyone to implement such landscape plans whether in rural communities or urban areas. In those days, studies were already being conducted to elucidate the aesthetic aspects of trees and forests, contemplate their beauty, ensure reasonable forest management, and create attractive forest landscape (Miyoshi, 1902 ; Niijima & Murayama, 1918). Miyazawa learned about these studies at the Morioka Agriculture and Forestry College and developed landscape plans for rural communities using the sokeiju he selected.




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