イマヌエル・カントの政治哲学の現代的意義 : 『永遠平和のために』を中心に


  • The Actual Implication of the Political Philosophy of Immanuel Kant : Centering on Toward Perpetual Peace
  • イマヌエル カント ノ セイジ テツガク ノ ゲンダイテキ イギ : エイエン ヘイワ ノ タメニ オ チュウシン ニ




Since ancient times people have tried to prevent another war, whenever one came to an end. Some ofthe peace systems like the Concert of Europe have proved to be relatively effective in preventing anotherlarge-scale war in the 19th century. After World War II the so-called theory of Mutual AssuredDestruction, based on the balance of nuclear capabilities on both the US and the Soviet Union sides, hascontributed to a `long peace'. After the demise of the Cold War, the world community has not yet inventeda reliable security system to cope with new types of security threat such as international terrorism.Immanuel Kant wrote in 1795 his representative book of political philosophy titled Zum ewigenFrieden (Toward Perpetual Peace). His insightful propositions and suggestions on the eternal peaceretain validity theoretically and also in the context of practical application in the 21th century.First of all the idea of foedus pacificum (pacific union) became reality in the form of the League ofthe Nations and of the United Nations, whereas his negating view on the legitimation of war in certaincases authorized in terms of international law by Hugo Grotius is now incorporated in the UnitedNations Charter. His conviction that the republican system (which is tantamount to today's representativedemocracy) is more peaceful than authoritarian systems is empirically endorsed by many contemporarypolitical scientists like Bruce Russett. His historical perspective on the Weltbürgerrecht (cosmopolitanlaw) has also acquired growing importance in the international law systems in today's world.Needless to say, the theory of Kant is not immune from deficiencies and shortcomings, in particular,because of differences in political, economic, and social conditions between the 18th century and today.Apart from those time-bound limitations, there are also some controversial and inconsistent pointswhich many scholars are discussing still today in a lively way. The greatest controversy is Kant's idea ofpacific union as a means of combating the state of "the war of all against all".Whatever imperfections there might be, Kant's far-sighted suggestions for perpetual peace arethought-provoking. Kant succeeded in unifying his political philosophy with moral philosophy and historicalphilosophy in this masterpiece.


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