デューイにおける学校改革と公共性の再構成 : 1930年代の民主主義の教育を中心にして


  • デューイ ニ オケル ガッコウ カイカク ト コウキョウセイ ノ サイコウセイ 1930ネンダイ ノ ミンシュ シュギ ノ キョウイク オ チュウシン ニ シテ
  • School reform and the reconstruction of the public in John Dewey : Current implications of education for democracy in the 1930s



The aim of this paper is to clarify John Dewey's design of the school reform and his reconstruction of the concept of the public from the perspective of his 1930s theory of education for democracy. He attempted to reconstruct traditional liberalism by drawing on his earlier theories of radicalism. His radicalism lies in his criticism of traditional liberal descriptions of the public, which emphasized the market-centered school system and bureaucratic control of welfare state education. He tried to build a theory of radical democracy, which was based on ideas of public participation and deliberation. For him, democracy was not limited to formal systems or procedures, but defined as an intrinsic part of social and individual life. By redefining the liberal theory of democracy, Dewey aimed to construct his concept of the public, so it reflected social action and face-to-face communication, creativity, and cooperation. Dewey was dedicated to innovative school reforms that were based on a vision of democracy and the public. In Liberalism and Social Action (1935), he insisted that the first object of liberalism as radicalism was the reconstruction of education. This topic was embodied in many articles, which he had written in various journals such as Social Frontier. In light of the reciprocal relationship between democracy and education, Dewey tried to develop schools as an agency for social and cultural construction, by using radical education methods that enabled teachers and students to participate in social activities. He laid great importance on how democracy was a way of living together and believed that networks between many different agencies comprised the public nature of schools and the education system.




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