Evolutionary Search for Cellular Automata That Exhibit Self-organizing Properties Induced by Disturbance

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  • 外乱によって自己組織化するセルオートマトンの進化的探索
  • ガイラン ニ ヨッテ ジコ ソシキカスル セル オートマトン ノ シンカテキ タンサク

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This paper aims at understanding emergent properties of Cellular automata (CAs) induced by external disturbances. We assumed a task in which a CA has to change its global state distinguished by the distribution ratio of cell states after every occurrence of disturbance period. Each cell state was modified by using an external rule with a small probability during the period. By conducting an evolutionary search for rules of CA that can solve this task, we got the rules for CA in which global state cyclically switched between different stable states, and interestingly, the number of stable states was more than that of distinct states of cells. Detailed analyses showed that such behavior was due to its self-organizing feature that a drastic change in its global state occurs every when the accumulation of the disturbed cells goes beyond a certain threshold.


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