Mental Focus Analysis Using the Spatio-temporal Correlation between Visual Saliency and Eye Movements



The spatio-temporal correlation analysis between visual saliency and eye movements is presented for the estimation of the mental focus toward videos. We extract spatio-temporal dynamics patterns of saliency areas from the videos, which we refer to as saliency-dynamics patterns, and evaluate eye movements based on their correlation with the saliency-dynamics patterns in view. Experimental results using TV commercials demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for the mental-focus estimation.------------------------------ This is a preprint of an article intended for publication Journal of Information Processing(JIP). This preprint should not be cited. This article should be cited as: Journal of Information Processing Vol.20(2012) No.1 (online) DOI

The spatio-temporal correlation analysis between visual saliency and eye movements is presented for the estimation of the mental focus toward videos. We extract spatio-temporal dynamics patterns of saliency areas from the videos, which we refer to as saliency-dynamics patterns, and evaluate eye movements based on their correlation with the saliency-dynamics patterns in view. Experimental results using TV commercials demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for the mental-focus estimation.------------------------------ This is a preprint of an article intended for publication Journal of Information Processing(JIP). This preprint should not be cited. This article should be cited as: Journal of Information Processing Vol.20(2012) No.1 (online) DOI


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