プロース・シャーンドル素描 : 二重体制期ハンガリーにおける民事訴訟法起草者の生涯より


  • A brief description of Sandor Plosz : The drafter of the Hungarian civil procedure law under the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy
  • プロース シャンドール ソビョウ : ニジュウ タイセイキ ハンガリー ニオケル ミンジ ソショウホウ キソウシャ ノ ショウガイ ヨリ



The purpose of this paper is to clarify the life of Sandor Plosz (1846-1925), drafter of the Hungarian civil procedure law 1911, regarded as a high-point of Hungarian legislation, which was in force until 1952, when replaced by the socialist civil procedure law. This essay firstly, overviews his life in the context of the political and social background of the eastern half of the Habsburg Monarchy. Then, his academic works, especially on "right to sue" will be analysed in the context of discussions among the Geman academic society and clarified that his work was one of the crucial theories even in Germany, which was the leader for the deveopment of Japanese legal studies on the civil procedure. Finally, through comparing with the making process of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure 1895, drafted by Franz Klein (1854-1926), this essay will conclued that both codes strenghening the initiative of judges to speed the suits, Klein, as a bureaucrat, stressed more the socio-political aspects about the civil procedure law to help the poor parties, while Plosz focused more on the rationalization and accuracy in the jurisdiction.



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