ジョン・キーツ ,「メランコリーのオード」 : 両義的メランコリーの受容


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  • Ode on Melancholy : Keat's acceptance of ambiguous melancholy




Keats,s‘‘Ode on Melancholy”has been considered to have much ambiguity as Wi11iam Empson comments, though it can be found in his many other poems as we11. To solve the question why this ode is particularly Iloted, it is necessary to consider the relation between ambiguity alld the subject, melancholy.   Melancholy itself has been ambiguous since it came to be considered  not only as a malady caused by a black bile but also as a disease for a genius. As Robert Burton suggested, melallcholy is a collcept as a fusion of duality of body and soul, time and eternity; one who feels melancholy in this world and time dreams of a utopia, or eterllity, which contains a deadlock in itself and causes melancholy again.   To accept this ambiguous melancholy, Keats uses twin expressions of contrast;drowsiness and wakefulness, sense of taste and vision. Compared with drowsiness that is the state of numbness, wakefu1- ness is the sensibility of anguish and sorrow on the earth, that is, 1nortality. The intensity of taste leads us to ecstasy which contains the thought of eros and thanatos that is the dual inst三nct of the body, while vision represents the wakefulness of the souL Although they represent duality, they emphasize the characteristics of melancholy because their contrast is also ambiguous. The concept of‘veiled Melancholy, indicates Keats’s correct acceptance of ambiguous melancholy as a fusion of duality, which seems to be closely connected  with his Negative Capability.


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