

  • チョウセン オウチョウ ヨンジョ ニヨル カジン シソン ソウシュツ ノ ハイケイ
  • The Background of the Creation of “Chinese Descendent (華人子孫)” by the King Yŏngjo ( 英祖) in Chosŏn Dynasty



From the end of 16th century to the middle of 17th century, the historical shifting period from Ming ( 明) to Qing ( 清) Dynasty, a quite degree of “the Han ( 漢族)” who had belonged to Ming flowed into Korea. Initially they were named “naturalized people ( 向化人)” by Korean government just like Japanese and Jurchen people who were also naturalized in Korea, but when it leads to the king Yŏngjo ( 英祖)’s reign in 18th century, Korean government started to distinguish “the Han” from “naturalized people” as “Chinese descendent ( 華人子孫)”. The previous study focused upon this issue have pointed out that the creation of “Chinese descendent” was due to Korean government’s view of respecting the culture of Ming as “the cultural center of the world ( 中華)”, even though Ming did not exist in reality. However, in the previous study, the reason why “Chinese descendent” had been created in the king Yŏngjo’s reign was not clear. This article is going to clarify the reason why the king Yŏngjo had to create “Chinese descendent” by focusing the king Yŏngjo’s political stance to his subject. Through the all examination of this article, we may draw a conclusion that king Yŏngjo created “Chinese descendent” from not only the view of respecting the culture of Ming as “the cultural center of the world” but also the view of respecting Ming itself as if it existed in Korea, in order to strengthen the king’s power.


  • 東洋文化研究

    東洋文化研究 (17), 31-52, 2015-03


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