負荷を加えた頭部挙上訓練の検討 -筋電図を用いた舌骨上筋群・舌骨下筋群・胸鎖乳突筋の筋活動量の比較-


  • Study on dysphagia rehabilitation with loaded head elevation training - Comparison of the activities in the suprahyoid muscles, infrahyoid muscles and sternocleidomastoid using surface electromyogram -



一般的に行われている頭部挙上訓練(以下、「A法」)よりも、より嚥下関連筋への負荷を高めることを目的として、仰臥位時に両上肢を挙上する訓練方法(以下、「B法」)の効果を表面筋電図を用いて検討した。対象は、健常成人32名。男性14名(平均:34.7歳)。女性18名(平均:33.7歳)である。頭部挙上訓練A法・B法の各方法について、10秒間頭部挙上を保持した後、10秒間休憩する動作を3回ずつ行い、挙上保持時の嚥下関連筋(舌骨上筋群・舌骨下筋群・胸鎖乳突筋)の表面筋電図を記録した。計測は、表面筋電図解析装置を用い、各筋肉の筋電図から得られた筋積分値の3回の平均を時間で除した。2法の比較は、Ekuseru-Toukei 2012にてt検定を行った。その結果、舌骨上筋群・舌骨下筋群・胸鎖乳突筋の筋積分値は、男女共に、A法に比べ、B法が有意に高かった(p<0.05)。これらの結果より、A法よりB法の方が、嚥下関連筋への筋負荷が大きく、訓練法としての有効性が示唆された。

In this study, I evaluated the effects of modified training methods for dysphagia rehabilitation, with elevating both side upper extremities at the dorsal position, for aiming to increase the load on swallowing-related muscles (method B), compared with general head elevation training (methodA), using surface electromyogram (sEMG). Thirty-two healthy adult volunteers participated, that were 14 males (mean age: 34.7 years) and 18 females (mean age: 33.7 years). In either of the head elevation training methods, method A or B, procedure of each cycle consisted with three time repeats of 10 seconds head elevation and 10 second rest, and sEMG of the swallowing-related muscles (suprahyoid muscles, infrahyoid muscles and sternocleidomastoid) was monitored during all of the protocols. The mean integral value of the muscle activities was calculated from dividing the square measure of sEMG by the duration in each practice. For comparison of the two methods, t test was performed using Ekuseru-Toukei 2012. As a result, the integral values for every muscles in method B were significantly higher in both male and female volunteers, compared with method A (p < 0.05). Based on these data, it was suggested that method B would be more effective than method A, because a larger burden was loaded against the swallowing-related muscles in method B.


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