川田順研究 : 歌集『東帰』の世界


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Other Title
  • Kawada Jun: The world of collection tanka Touki



歌人川田順は、1897年、16歳にして佐佐木信綱門下生となり、早くからその俊才ぶりを発揮していた。初期の浪漫的色彩の強い歌集『伎芸天(ぎげいてん)』をもって歌壇に注目されたが、やがてその歌風を大きく転じ、写実的、現実的歌人としての地位を確立するに至った。しかし、第二次世界大戦中の作品、いわゆる愛国の歌を数多く発表した態度が、戦後の批判にさらされるところとなった。また、その頃の自らの恋愛問題が、「老いらくの恋」として世に喧伝されたこともあって、歌壇においては不遇な一時期を過ごさざるを得なかった。だが、自らの苦しい人生経験を根底におく歌集『東帰(とうき)』によって、順は新たな境地を切り開いたのである。本稿は、この『東帰』における人事詠、自然詠等を通して、川田順の至り得た世界を考察するものである。なお、作品の背景となった出来事、周囲の自然、人々との交流について、可能な限り具体例をもって示していきたい。\nThe poet Kawada Jun became a disciple of Sasaki Nobutsuna at the age of 16 in 1897 and demonstrated his exceptional talent from his early years. With his initial anthology Gigeiten, which was tinged with romanticism, he attracted the attention of the world of tanka poets. Later, he changed his poetical style greatly and established his status as a realistic and naturalistic poet.However, in the postwar period, Jun was exposed to wide criticism for having published poems during the World War II, which were largely based on patriotic themes. Moreover, since his illicit love affair at the time was widely known as "December love," he had an unfortunate period among the tanka poets for a while. In spite of that, through the anthology Touki, Jun opened out a new path which gave an insight into his difficult life. This paper considers the literary world that Kawada Jun opened up, viewed in the light of his poems in Touki, concerning human affairs, nature, etc. In addition, I would like to illustrate as many instances as possible of his surroundings, relationships, opportunities, etc. that provided motifs to his works.


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  • Article Type
    departmental bulletin paper
  • Data Source
    • IRDB
    • CiNii Articles

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