

  • キョウイクヨウ スマートデバイスアプリ ジョウ デ ノ タシテン エイゾウ コンテンツ ノ コウチク
  • The Development of a Free Viewpoint Video to Play on Educational Apps for Smart Devices




This study aims to use original free-viewpoint live video technology in smart device applicationsto view objects in 360 degree 3-D.In 2013, the author used this technology to carry out the transmission of free-viewpoint videostreaming of Sharp 4K TV's promotional website“AQUOS REAL LIVE”onto a PC. However, due tolimitations in the OS design and specifications, there were difficulties in duplicating the editing andprogram systems present on the PC website’s video transmission when viewing them on smartdevices. It was thus necessary to develop a new system.Therefore, the author devised a method of segmenting the film of an object, shot from 360degrees with multiple cameras, into still frames, and then adding time and angle information to eachframe. Smooth changes of viewpoint were attained by continually displaying these still frames withthe time information and changing each corresponding angle in response to the user’s instructions.This made it possible to view a 360 degree 3-D video of objects even on smart device applications.This system also led to a free-viewpoint video with higher picture quality and smoothness, as thereal image resolution and number of viewpoints are both unlimited.This technology was actually used in“Rittai Ikimono Zukan”(translated as“3-D Living PictureBook”), an application for smart devices that works in conjunction with the Benesse Corporation’schildren’s television program“Shimajiro’s Wow!”It provided links between the television programand the educational content, which used free-viewpoint video. Moreover, this data system wasincluded as an example of a patent acquired and implemented in Japan in 2013. In 2015, the rightsto the same patent were acquired in South Korea, China, and the United States, and they arecurrently being applied for in Europe.


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