

  • Teacher awareness on modern educational issues in elementary and junior high schools
  • キョウイク ノ ゲンダイテキ カダイ ニ タイスル ショウ 、 チュウガッコウ キョウイン ノ リカイ



As seen in the report by the Central Council for Education on Aug. 2016, many specific words from higher educational reform are used to explain new educational guidelines. Especially, the word of Active learning is quite new term, the report explains that it is voluntary and interactive learning, but its basic idea overlaps considerably with hitherto existing premise of effective learning in school educational history. A survey about educational activities was conducted with elementary school and junior high school teachers in city B, taken in middle size city in the Prefecture A to reveal an awareness of teachers for new educational wave, such as active learning. In addition the same survey was executed with other elementary school teachers in Prefecture A also. The results revealed the followings: 1) Most of teachers recognize that school is the place to learn subject, 2) Teachers in city A feel strongly that academic ability of their students is low, 3) Most of teachers think that they are used to teach subject by active learning, 4) Many teachers use pair learning, group learning, and research as an active learning with in their teaching, 5) Most of teachers place the importance on introduction and development in their teaching but not on preparation and review. Although these results suggest that teachers accept a wave of active learning with equanimity, they might not understand the essentials in active learning. Many teachers might understand that the active learning is one teaching technique. Active learning is not just a method but it gives student an idea how to keep learning voluntary though their life, therefore there should be a variety of teaching forms. We must emphasis the essential of active learning and facilitate an awareness of teachers about it for further improvement of school education.




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