

  • Waugh and War, Focussing on His War Trilogy
  • イーヴリン ・ ウォー ト 「 センソウ サンブサク 」




This essay is an attempt to introduce Evelyn Waugh’s War Trilogy: Men at Arms, Officers and Gentlemen, and Unconditional Surrender, with brief discussion of their backgrounds and literary characteristics. Evelyn Waugh was in the British armed forces throughout the war years from 1939 to 1945. What he experienced in those years in his military and civilian life constitutes the trilogy, which is not the war story in an ordinary sense but a long story of a man’s spiritual pilgrimage, a quest for the way to serve the righteous cause against the evil force defined as the ‘modern age in arms’. The Protagonist is Guy Clouchback, a divorcee in his late thirties who is the heir to an ancient English Catholic family. The spiritual and moral properties he stands up to protect are faith, the noble family line, and dedication to the righteous cause which means upper-class values.  Thanks to Soviet-Nazi Pact in 1939 he could see the enemy in a concrete form and gladly joined the War. Two years later though, the Soviet Union became an ally of Britain, and his chivalrous ideals in military life were beaten one by one by the reality of the life in barracks and battle fields. In his private life, Guy learned that he can legitimately remarry to his divorced wife, and tried to reunite with Virginia but was refused. However, when Virginia appealed to Guy, finding herself with child of Trimmer a man of lower-class origin whom she and Guy detested, he accepted, recalling in his mind the words of his pious father, ‘if only one soul was saved that is full compensation of any amount of “loss of face”’. In consequence, the offspring of someone anything but noble became the heir. In the end of this quest, when he had surrendered in all sides of his moral front, what was eventually chieved was not worldly honour but salvation of souls. As these novels do not seem to have been translated into Japanese yet, and it is doubtful that such translation, if it was done, would make a great commercial success in the Japanese market, it may be of some use to offer even such a simple note as this on the significant achievement of a great English novelist.


  • 国際人間学部紀要

    国際人間学部紀要 20 1-26, 2014-03-31

    薩摩川内 : 鹿児島純心女子大学国際人間学部

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