Accuracy Verification of Human Knee Joint Motion Using Point Cluster Technique

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The Point Cluster Technique (PCT) was developed in recent years for application in three-dimensional human motion analysis. Since the advance of this technique is to minimize the target marker position error that caused by skin deformation, PCT has been applied for knee joint movement analysis. In spite of the above-mentioned advantages the accuracy of PCT has not been verified clearly. In this study, to evaluate the accuracy of PCT we made inspecting tool that was composed by two body segments and one joint. Reflective markers were attached on the surface of two bodies and the maker positions were measured with 3-dimensional motion analysis system (VICON MX), The joint angle and joint center position were calculated using the measured maker data by the PCT. At the same time the reference joint angle was measured using laser beam device. The differences of joint angles between calculated with PCT and reference data were within 0.6 degrees. The influence of knee marker placement error per unit length (mm) was 0.18 degrees (MAX) for angle, and .0.7 mm (MAX) for knee joint position. The influence of z-direction marker placement error was relatively small. To double the number of marker (30 point) achieved 1.6 times higher accuracy of knee joint position than that of 15-point marker. Increasing the number of marker could reduce the influence of marker placement error.


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