複数の配列パターンを提示できるiPad を利用したTrail Making Test の検討


  • The Trail Making Test using iPad which can show plural patterns
  • フクスウ ノ ハイレツ パターン オ テイジ デキル iPad オ リヨウ シタ Trail Making Test ノ ケントウ



The aim of this study is to develop the iPad Application of the Trail Making Test (TMT) for plural indication patterns. We first developed the TMT application (iPad TMT) with the same pattern of the paper-based conventional TMT. Secondly, we interviewed some therapists about the iPad TMT. Thirdly, we compared the iPad TMT with the conventional TMT. Lastly, we made the new indication patterns for TMT, and compared the amount of time it took to complete each test for the new patterns with that for the original one. As a result, the time of iPad TMT tended to become shorter than that of conventional TMT, but the ratio of TMT part B/A didn't change. We also obtained that the time for the all patterns was almost within the normal range. Our results suggest the possibility that iPad TMT might be useful in a clinical evaluation.


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