多様性のダイナミクスを活かすスポーツチームのマネジメントに関する研究 ―複雑に変化する環境への適応モデル構築の試み―


  • タヨウセイ ノ ダイナミクス オ イカス スポーツチーム ノ マネジメント ニ カンスル ケンキュウ フクザツ ニ ヘンカ スル カンキョウ エノ テキオウ モデル コウチク ノ ココロミ
  • A Study of the Dynamic of Variety on the Management of Sports Teams. An Adaptive Model Reflecting the Complexity and Flux of the Team Environment.




The purpose of this study is to identify the management principles inherent for success within the complex and constantly changing sports teams' environment, and construct a suitable model that reflects those same principles. The proposed model is based upon the work of Robert Axelrod in his book "Harnessing Complexity", and is grounded in the fundamental principle that successful management depends upon making the most of the dynamic of variety. The main paradigms that frame the model are 'Variety', 'Interaction', and 'Selection'. The management of sports teams must necessarily operate along a cline between Variety and Uniformity in order to be successful. The Interaction component is the mechanism that powers this process of shuttling between the Variety and Uniformity components of the cline. This Interaction mechanism can be further classified into two sub-components. The first, 'Diversification', enhances the possibility to adapt to the ever-changing and complex environment of the team. The second, 'Integration' allows for the regulation of both the various team members, and the strategies needed to ensure success. In addition, the Selection mechanism decides the timing of the 'Diversion' and 'Integration' components as well as ways to make the most of the dynamic of variety in practice.



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