歴史観光都市における伝統的居住空間の維持・保存に関する研究 : 世界遺産候補「トルコの古都ベルガマ」を事例として


  • レキシ カンコウ トシ ニ オケル デントウテキ キョジュウ クウカン ノ イジ ・ ホゾン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : セカイ イサン コウホ 「 トルコ ノ コト ベルガマ 」 オ ジレイ ト シテ
  • Study for Sustainable Living Spaces in a Historical Tourism City : Take Bergama - Turkey, candidate World Heritage Site, as an example



The main topic of this paper is the sustainable development of dweller's lives and new tourism in a historical settlement. It's time to make a sustainable development plan estimating the effects of future mass tourism pressure before it is too late, Bergama was nominated to UNESCO's tentative list of World Heritage Site on April 15, 2011. The main purpose of the research is to define the attraction of Bergama's historical worthy spaces in the overseer's eye (outsider's eye). Then, the analysis of the method of conservation and development plan to maintain Bergama's identity are discussed from 3 points of view (city scale, block scale and building scale). Furthermore, we will share the importance of conservation plan and citizen participation including several activities when the sustainable city is created. We can overcome the risks to a historical settlement by sharing conservation activity.


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