マルチエージェントシミュレーションによる組織に望ましい人材類型の考察- “ モルトケの法則" の検証の試み-


  • マルチエージェントシミュレーション ニ ヨル ソシキ ニ ノゾマシイ ジンザイ ルイケイ ノ コウサツ : "モルトケ ノ ホウソク"ノ ケンショウ ノ ココロミ
  • A Study of Excellent human resource types by multi agent simulation.



There were many discussions about what kind of personnel are the best talent for the organization. Through those discussions, recently, human resources who are highly motivated, acted spontaneously, and are competent is the best talent for the organization. But, von Moltke said that human resources who are Low Motivated, and are competent is the best talent for the organization. This is called Moltke's law. This study explores validation of "Moltke's law" using multi agent simulation. In this simulation, four types of agents work as security guards. This security guards patrol the target area. And the security guard arrests the suspicious person he found. Through this simulation I get data to confirm "law of Moltke". However, as a result of analyzing the data, I discover that I should further consider the elements of "motivation" in "Morutke's law". As a future work that expanded this research result, I would like to study the actual organization in which many agents interact with each other.


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