"共同注意"の発達的変化その3 - 言語獲得期の相互作用に関する質的検討 -

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  • キョウドウ チュウイ ノ ハッタツテキ ヘンカ ソノ3 ゲンゴ カクトクキ ノ ソウゴ サヨウ ニ カンスル シツテキ ケントウ
  • Joint Attention and Its Development : Part 3 : Qualitative Analysis on the Interaction of the Language Acquisition Stage

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Joint attention of children and mothers in the language acquisition period contributes to numerous facets, such as the child's symbolic function, language development, social cognition, and self-concept. This paper investigated mother and child interactions, which serve as a setting for both the development of linguistic communication and joint attention, through episodic description techniques with a focus on examples of observations of a single child. As a result, while acting in concert with the child's activities the mother demonstrated joint attention-like involvement such as exemplification behavior, reminding behavior, verbalization, and providing elaboration. It was implied that she supported and promoted qualitative changes to the child's understanding of people's intentions and their communication behavior. Moreover, when the child used vocabulary the mother was observed making utterances like descriptive responses, responses that impart meaning, facilitating questions, and descriptions. These are considered to be examples of "scaffolding" for the development of joint attention.


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