ドイツ連邦共和国における「特別の教育的促進」の取り組み - その1 施行10年の歩み -


  • ドイツ レンポウ キョウワコク ニオケル トクベツ ノ キョウイクテキ ソクシン ノ トリクミ ソノ1 シコウ 10ネン ノ アユミ
  • Special Needs Education in Germany





In similarly approach to the Special Support Education that started 2007 in Japan, We find Special Needs Education (sonderpӓdagogische Förderung) in Federal Republic of Germany. At the beginning of the 90ties the ideas began to change that a disabled pupil could chiefly be educated in a special school. 1994 the KMK had passed recommendations for special educational needs for all schools. Due to this basic papers, for the first time all states established that the education of pupils with special educational needs develops more and more into a co-operative task of all schools. Special education should be understood as a necessary addition and a key element of providing general education. The present article aimed to elucidate characteristics of the present status for the special needs education. First of all, the transition from the special school system to special needs education were examined. Next, legal framework and administration of special needs education were explained. Finally, In order to understand the context of the existing special education structure and the situation in the general education, the statistical distribution of pupils with special educational needs according to the various types of schools were investigated.


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