静寂・沈黙を表すオノマトペ : 和語系・漢語系オノマトペの関わりから


  • セイジャク チンモク オ アラワス オノマトペ ワゴケイ カンゴケイ オノマトペ ノ カカワリ カラ




I studied the relation between onomatopoeias of Japanese origin and those of Chinese origin by the examination of the onomatopoeias of Shinto, Shinshin and Hissori expressing quietness, and those of Muttsuri and Mokunen expressing silence. First I showed origins of each onomatopoeia discussed in this paper. This is the important examination because there is contradiction quietness and silence mean soundless conditions but onomatopoeia in itself is the sound symbolism. I showed following four points; Shinshin and Shinto derive from onomatopoeias of Chinese origin; Hissori derives from other Japanese words like Hisoka and Hisomu; Muttsuri is a mimetic word; Mokunen is an onomatopoeia of Chinese origin. Secondly I examined the coexistence and the change in the onomatopoeias of quietness and those of silence based on many examples seen in Edo, Meiji and Taisyo period. Shinshin limited the meaning. Shinto and Hissori have coexisted Shinto focused on soundless condition while Hissori focused on emptiness. Mokunen replaced with Muttsuri which expresses sedateness in manner besides silence in the middle Meiji period. I showed onomatopoeias of Chinese origin have two patterns through the detailed research. One is treated as Japanese onomatopoeia and the other is just a Japanese word of Chinese origin.


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