長編小説の中の短編小説 : "One trip across" と "The tradesman's return" の場合


  • チョウヘン ショウセツ ノ ナカ ノ タンペン ショウセツ One trip across ト The tradesman s return ノ バアイ



アーネスト・ヘミングウェイの"One Trip Across"と"The Tradesman's Return"はどちらも雑誌に掲載されるために書かれた短編小説である。しかしその後ヘミングウェイは続編を書き,これら二つの短編小説と合併することで新たな長編小説を構成した。その結果出版されたのが,To have and have notである。それはPart One, Part Two, Part Threeの3部から構成されており,"One Trip Across"がPart Oneとして,また"The Tradesman's Return"がPart Twoとして前半を飾った。そしてPart Threeにおいて主人公の悲劇的最期が描かれ,ハリー・モーガンの物語は完結する,しかし無理な構成がたたり,To Have and Have Not出版後の批評は概ね芳しくなかった。批評家達はさまざまな問題を指摘したが,それらは小説作法の観点からすれば読者の共感を得る上で大事な技術ばかりであった。それ故にかえって,それらはヘミングウェイの意図する小説作法を知る上で示唆するものが少なくない。ここではそれらを整理し,ヘミングウェイの創作の技術を考察した。

"One Trip Across" and "The Tradesman's Return" are rather long, two short stories by Ernest Hemingway, originally written for monthly magazines, Cosmopolitan and Esquire, respectively. They were later incorporated into the novel To Have and Have Not, with the former story as "Part One" of the novel and tha latter as "Part Two." Soon after its publication the critics of the novel gave it a mixed reception, pointing out many faults in terms of techniques of writing fiction. Especially important is its lack of unity as a novel, and this seems to have been caused by the fact that Hemingway hastily combined the two stories with the latter half of the novel which was newly written as their sequel. In this article, these two stories, as well as the novel as a whole, are discussed, and we will find out how the failure has been brought about and what should have been done by the author.


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