焼け落ちた地上の家 -アン・ブラッドストリート小論-


  • ヤケオチタ チジョウ ノ イエ アン ブラッドストリート ショウロン
  • Upon the Burning of our House ?Anne Bradstreet and her SpirituaI Practice?



Anne Bradstreet is the first notable poet in American literature. Her poetry has been authologized and commented on since the seventeenth century,Yet as John Berryman's poetry on Mrs. Bradstreet shows, she has often been praised for her uniqueness and for the fact that she lived and wrote in a place and at a time that were not sympathetic to writing poetry. Furthermore,her works are evaluated more often on the occasions when she is considered to have stepped out of the Puritan frame of mind than when she is within it. But has she really shown anti-Puritan sensibility? The present essay deals with one of her works,"Upon the Burning of our House", to see how the spiritual struggles of a Christian confronting doubt and skepticism are expressed,and the struggle between love of this world and the reliance on the next is discussed. The purpose of this essay is to conclude that she wrote not from the anti-Puritan temperament but as a spiritual exercise and as an attempt to achieve the Puritan idea of living in this world with the final repudiation of it in mind. The doubt and the struggle were an intrinsic part of the source of her creative power.



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