Teachers' Approach to Sharing Classroom Ground Rules Using Out of Class Contexts



Characteristics of teachers' approaches in sharing ground rules for discussion were examined from the perspective of relationships between the class and homeroom activity. First graders' interactions in a Japanese language arts class and homeroom activity were interrelated by coding and interpretive analysis. The results suggested that the teacher encouraged the children to use ideas and norms discussed in the recent homeroom activity as a framework to appropriate the ground rules for language arts class discourse. This approach was aimed at helping the children of the lower grades could lean the framework for reviewing the conversations conducted in the classes, as a part of the definite and empirical knowledge shared by the class.

福岡教育大学紀要. 第四分冊, 教職科編

Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education. Part IV, Education and psychology


詳細情報 詳細情報について

