Nonlinear Vibration Problem of Cylindrical Tank with Water in Large Deformations

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  • 円筒タンクにおけるポテンシャル流体と弾性容器との大変形動的不安定問題の解析
  • エントウ タンク ニ オケル ポテンシャル リュウタイ ト ダンセイ ヨウキ ト ノ ダイヘンケイ ドウテキ フアンテイ モンダイ ノ カイセキ

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It is reported that responses of liquid-filled tank on a shaking table showed some vibration modes that was contradiction to expectation of elementary tank theory. Then, author has been studying to analyze the response that might be caused by dynamic geometric nonlinear behavior, and showed a Lagrangian function that governed the interactive behavior between the potential fluid and elastic container in large deformations. Here, applying ALE(arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Element) to the functional of a cylindrical tank in a three dimension, we propose a new procedure, analyze nonlinear responses of the system, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.


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