Notes on Early Tibetan History : Marriage Relations between the Ancient Tibetan Royal House and the T'ang Imperial Family
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- 古代チベット史考異(上):吐蕃王朝と唐朝との姻戚関係
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The author establishes on the basis of the text of the Lhasa Treaty Monument and the Tun-huang Documents, that the relationship of ‘chiu cheng’ or ‘dbon shaṅ’ said to have existed between Tibet and T’ang China was the one between the maternal grandfather and his grandson or that between their descendants, and points out that the relationship came into existence only after the marriage of the Chinese princess Wen-ch‘eng Kung-chu to a Tibetan king, on the strength of Chinese records. Tibetan historians of later times, however, ascribe the origin of the relationship to the marriage of another Chinese princess Chin-ch‘eng Kung-chu, though their assertion is easily refuted by what the Tun-huang Documents report. The author then advances the hypothesis that Khoṅ co maṅ rje khri skar mentioned in the Tun-huang Documents is nobody but Princess Wen-ch’eng. Upon this basic assumption the author makes an attempt at rearranging chronology concerning the reigns of King Guṅ sroṅ guṅ brtsan and his son Maṅ slon maṅ rtsan born to Khoṅ co khri skar, by critically comparing the reports of later Tibetan historians on their ancient kings, and arrives at the conclusion that Guṅ sroṅ guṅ brtsan was born in 621, succeeded to the throne in 638, married in 640, begot his eldest son in 642 and died in 643. He also points out that in 643 Khri sroṅ brtsan ascended the throne for a second time at the age of 63. The reason why the later historians confused facts are, according to the author, the ubiquitous legend of ‘ascending the throne at the thirteenth year of his life’, the abridged title or Khoṅ co common to both princesses and another name of Khri sroṅ brtsan being Sroṅ lde brtsan, easily mistakable for Khri sroṅ lde brtsan. As for his sources, the author, besides Lho brag chos ḥbyuṅ, pays special attention to Rgyal rabs rnams kyi byuṅ tshul gsal baḥi me loṅ, which he thinks to have been written by Bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan in 1328.
- The Toyo Gakuho
The Toyo Gakuho 49 (3), 279-317, 1966-12
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050845763831685504
- NII Article ID
- 120006515906
- NII Book ID
- AN00169858
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- journal article
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles