

  • Organization of Visual Perception in Children
  • ヨウジ ノ シ クウカン ノ コウゾウ ニ ツイテ ノ イチ ケンキュウ



The so-called "moon illusion" provides one illustration of anisotoropy of visual space in adults and youth. The purpose of the present study is to investigate whether the organization of visual space in children corresponds with that in adults and youth or not. The subjects were 30 children of both sexes, aged five years-that is, little ones of kindergarten age. Two kinds of the circle type of geometric figures are used as the stimuli consisting of two series, black and red. The standard circle used as the stimulus is 15 centimeters in diameter. The comparison circles consist of nine different ones which have diameters of 12 - 20 centimeters with a constant difference of 1.0 centimeter in diameter between the adjacent circles in the series. The standard circle was placed on the white wall in front of the subject, approximately at eye level, while the comparison circles were shown above the head in regular sequence from the smallest one. In this experiment, the subjects were asked to express their judgments by saying that the comparison circle was "smaller","same", or "larger" making a comparison with the standard one. From the result of the small number of "larger" judgment, it may be concluded that organization of visual space in those children is dissimilar in character compared with that in adults and youth.


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