

  • ケイオウ ギジュク ダイガク ダイガクセイ ノ スポーツ・ウンドウ コウドウ ニ カンスル ジッタイ チョウサ
  • Keio gijuku daigaku daigakusei no supotsu undo kodo ni kansuru jittai chosa
  • The survey regarding sports and exercise of Keio University students




We conducted a survey of "College Students' Attitude toward Sports and Exercise" using students of all facilities and grades in Keio University. The purpose of this report is 1) to compare the amount of sports and exercise across facilities and grades, 2) to analyze frequencies, amount of time, and attitudes regarding different types of sports and exercise activities, 3) to examine attitudes toward and reasoning of no exercise, and 4) to examine their preference of activities in their free time. Questionnaires were mailed to 4,600 students (approximately 1/8 of all students) and 968 were returned with valid answers. In the results, exercise patterns were divided into four groups: 1) take sports classes and exercise voluntarily, 2) exercise voluntarily, 3) take sports classes only, 4) no-exercise. Sixty five percents off all the survey participants exercise regularly. Students of the School of Medicine, the School of Policy Management and the School of Environment and Information Studies do more exercise than students of the other facilities. Students of the School of Nursing and Medical Care do less exercise than students of the other facilities. The rate of exercise declined as the grade went up, whereas the senior students practice regular exercise more than the junior students do. The number of the students who answered "exercise voluntarily" increased as the grade went up. On the other hand, the number of students who answered "take sports classes and exercise voluntarily" and "take sports classes only" declined as the grade went up. In terms of varieties of events, frequencies, amount of time, and attitudes on each exercise type, collegiate athletes exercise more frequently and longer than the other students. Students who are in a sports circle, students who exercise voluntarily, and students who use a private sports club were similar to each other on these aspects. The results suggested that athletic facilities need to be upgraded considering the fact that not only other students but also collegiate athletes did not score high on these aspects. Sixty percents of 35.4% of students who do not exercise indicated that they would like to exercise if they have an opportunity, and thus this indicated that they could be potential exercisers. With respect to preferred activities during their free time, students mentioned "study," "a part-time job," and "an entertainment at home" as common activities. Active exercisers mentioned various kinds of sports as their preferred free-time activities, and this result suggested that sports are an important part pf their college life.


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