看護形態機能学における教育方法の検討 : 模擬授業にみる受講生の反応から


  • Development of Teaching the Structure and Function of the Human Body in Nursing Education : Compiled from Student Responses in an Experimental Class
  • カンゴ ケイタイ キノウガク ニ オケル キョウイク ホウホウ ノ ケントウ モギ ジュギョウ ニ ミル ジュコウセイ ノ ハンノウ カラ




The structure and function of the human body (integrated anatomy and physiology) is regarded as a subject of fundamental importance in nursing education. However, it has been claimed that the subject contributes little towards developing nursing care. To further develop the teaching of this subject in nursing education, specialists' sessions and focus group interviews among students were conducted. In earlier studies, the following topics had been addressed: 1. Learning through case studies, 2. Connecting body structure and function with nursing, 3. Refresher courses in both knowledge and practice, 4. Focus on disease, 5. Demonstrating nursing practice, and 6. Using audio-visual material. Utilizing the findings from these studies, an experimental class was set up. This paper aims to evaluate the effect of this class, and to seek a better approach to education from the responses of the students. A total of three sessions were held. The first half of each session consisted of a lecture, while the second half focused on practice. Seven volunteer female high school students (16-17 years olds) were given a myocardial infarction case to work on. The following four types of results were then analyzed: 1. Students' responses in class, 2. Group interview after class, 3. Understanding of the class on a 5 point scale by students and 4. Written examination before and after the sessions. Learning through case studies and demonstrating the role of nursing in a concrete situation, students appeared to understand the nursing, and how knowledge of structure and function of the human body applies to nursing practice. Role-playing methods also helped students to understand the patient. However, factors like an inadequate image of nursing, lack of vocabulary in both technical terms and literary expression, together with inadequate experience, were found to be barriers against acquiring further knowledge. Given these findings, the guidelines of learning should be refined.








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