ミーゼスによるフロイト論 : 精神と行動の関係


  • Mises on Freud : The relation of mind and action




As thinkers, psychologist Sigmund Freud and economist Ludwig von Mises shared intellectual presuppositions which go far beyond the obvious similarities which might be expected from the overlap in their early 20^<th> century Viennese cultural background. Four of these are worthy of particular mention: anti-materialism, skepticism concerning historical progress, mental purpose (conscious or otherwise) as a primary characteristic of human beings, and methodological rationalism. Both Mises and Freud rejected materialist reductionism while stressing the importance of biological needs in understanding human motives. Both of them saw that modern "progressive" movements were based on illusory optimism about human nature and the social organizations founded on this nature. In Mises' works on theory and epistemology, especially, he demonstrates his appreciation of the work which had been done by Freud to show that the unconscious mind is a purpose-driven system which lies behind the phenomena of explicitly reasoned and manifested choice, phenomena the study of which Mises termed "praxiology". This reveals both a similarity between and complementary among praxiology and psychology in its non-scientistic forms (ie. verbally descriptive psychologies such as psychoanalysis, studies which Mises termed "thymology"). Mises, no less than Freud, recognized that much human activity is contradictory and self-defeating, while stubbornly adhering to reason as a principle for investigating human nature. The potential of humans to reflect on their natures rationally while, in practice, succumbing to illusion was a premise shared by the two thinkers but unpalatable to many of their contemporaries. Mises spent his life combating social and economic panaceas of the left, while Freud spent his mature years countering the sexual utopianism of those who had taken his libido theory out of context. However it would be wrong to call Freud and Mises pessimists or even conservatives. Rather they both strove to improve the human condition on the basis of more realistic assumptions than those shared by many of their contemporaries. Both Freud and Mises offered hope through disenchantment with illusions.






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