専門と連携で進めるプロジェクトデザインⅠ土木の現場視察からの問題発見・解決;Design ProjectⅠ in Collaboration with the Practical Engineering Education Program and the Department of Civil Engineering -Finding and solving problems through inspection of actual construction site-


  • センモン ト レンケイ デ ススメル プロジェクト デザイン Ⅰ ドボク ゲンバ カンシ カラ ノ モンダイ ハッケン カイケツ


type:KIT Progress;Departmental Bulletin Paper

金沢工業大学のプロジェクトデザインは、身近な問題をテーマに、最良の解決方法をチームで考えだし、具体的な形にまとめていく問題解決能力を高める授業である。環境土木工学科と基礎実技とは平成25 年度から連携を組み、土木の現場視察からプロジェクトテーマを考える取り組みを開始した。本論文では、現場視察の中で問題を見出したチームを例として取り上げ、彼らが専門領域に近い問題を専門以外の知識も組み合わせてチームで共に考え、解決していく過程を元に本授業の特徴を論じる。;The Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT) places emphasis on providing excellent engineering education at the undergraduate level by requiring students to take a course of design projects. The aim of this course is to provide abilities for conceiving and developing solutions for actual problems in the societies through team-based activities. The Practical Engineering Education Program and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at KIT have collaborated in facilitating the course for future Civil Engineers since 2013. The collaboration has provided an opportunity for students to inspect an actual construction site, unveil real problems, and build feasible solutions. The real environment with real problems offered the students an in-depth look at issues faced by the workers in question and challenged the students to solve them using the design project methodology. In this paper, we will introduce a problem-solving process of the course and a typical example of the course along with its unique characteristics.



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