小学校音楽科観点別評価における問題点 : 鑑賞領域での混乱に注目して


  • ショウガッコウ オンガクカ カンテン ベツ ヒョウカ ニ オケル モンダイテン カンショウ リョウイキ デ ノ コンラン ニ チュウモク シテ
  • The Problems of "Rating of Educational Objectives" in Elementary School Music Education



The purpose of this research is to clarify the problem of "Rating of Educational Objectives" in the music education of elementary schools. Currently, there are many "Rating of Educational Objectives" problems in the music education of elementary schools. In particular, there is confusion about the "Rating of Educational Objectives" in the education of music appreciation. For example, the difference between the concept of the second viewpoint "Device of musical reception and expression" and the fourth viewpoint "Ability of appreciation" is not correctly understood by many music teachers. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the cause of such misunderstanding. First, this research analyzes Course of Study and the report of "Rating of Educational Objectives" by NIER (National Institute for Education policy Research of Japan). Then, the results of an investigation conducted on the teachers of the music department of an elementary school are analyzed. The investigation explores the level of recognition from the viewpoint of evaluation by the teachers. Finally, a solution to the problem is offered and a solution to enable the performance of a correct evaluation is proposed.


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