高等教育における発達障害学生への導入・初年次教育 -LD・ADHDに特化したランドマーク・カレッジの場合-


  • コウトウ キョウイク ニ オケル ハッタツ ショウガイ ガクセイ エ ノ ドウニュウ ハツ ネンジ キョウイク LD ADHD ニ トッカ シタ ランドマーク カレッジ ノ バアイ
  • First Year Experience of American Students with LD and ADHD in Higher Education



First year experience is important to make smooth transition from high school to higher education. Students with LD and/or ADHD, especially may experience difficulties in registration of subjects, and social networking in the first year of higher education. This study reports on a freshman orientation and self-understanding subjects which placed in the first year subjects offered at Landmark College in the US. Such self-understanding subjects include understanding own disabilities, accepting themselves and building self-advocacy skills. These skills are required by self-independence in communities when students with LD and/or ADHD graduate and actually every student (without disability) needs it, too. Therefore the subject also means "first year seminar for the freshman" and needs to think about introduction of the general first year experience. This study also discussed how Japanese universities deliver effective first year experience which considers students with diverse needs. The result suggests two importance such as the way of delivery and continuous support/education from the first year experience. The former includes the availability of an array of information formats through multi-media such as visual and auditory resources. The latter for, example, is a peer mentor system. Of particular interest is this system where upper class students receive training in how to give advice and assistance to new students. This is beneficial for both the upper class and new students. On one hand, the new students will meet the upper class students with the same disabilities and this leads to reducing any anxiety the new student might feel about being in their new environment. On the other hand, the upper class students can showcase their experience and knowledge, and this leads to increasing their self-esteem. The reduction of anxiety, along with the increase in self-esteem are both necessary factors in positive transition support for students with LD and/or ADHD.




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