

  • チュウゴク ナイ モンゴル ジチク ニ オケル 「 タイボクカンソウ 」 セイサク ニ ヨル ボクチク(ユウボク)ギョウ ノ ヘンカ ニ カンスル コウサツ
  • The Study of the Change in Pasturage in Inner Mongolian Region in China by the State Project on Environmental Preservation



From the geographical point of view, various conflicts between the environment and human activities are important and permanent concern. For example, many serious phenomena such as global warming, desertification, population pressure and so on are of occurrence in the world. In China, desertification is in progress rapidly. In 2002, China Government has made a policy to keep back desertification. The policy aims to prohibit inhabitant nomadic action and to reproduce grassland. The purpose of this study is to describe and evaluate the present condition. This study focuses on the Alxa League in Inner Mongolian region where the desertification is most striking. In the present, the original nomadic life is breaking down due to lack of grassland for self-sufficiency, the absence of successors, the involving in market economy and so on. Although compensation payments are offered to nomads by the government, nomads are yet far from acquiring new stable lifestyle. We show the diagram (Fig.8) as the result of our examination. On the whole, it is doubtful whether the policy to control the desertification is properly working.


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