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  • ヨウチエン キョウイク ジッシュウ オ トオシタ ガクセイ ノ マナビ : ジッシュウ シドウ ノ コウカ
  • Student leaning through teaching practice in kindergarten:The effects of teacher training guidance

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幼稚園教育実習の事前・事後指導の在り方などを検討するために,①幼稚園教育実習前後での実習生の保育者としての力量(保育者効力感)に関する自己評価の変化,②保育者としての力量(保育者効力感)の自己評価と教育実習の全般の取り組との関連,③教育実習を経て保育者として認識された各自の課題を検討したほか,④就学前教育・保育関係に勤務する卒業生による保育経験の語りを把握し,在校生への影響を検討した。その結果,①子ども理解や保育者としての力量(保育者効力感)は実習前よりも実習後に有意に高くなること,②「責任実習の計画・実施」は教育実習の取り組に関する全項目と相互関連すること,③実習を経て各自の課題として認識される内容は「個別の援助・保育技術」「教師の在り方」が中心であること,④卒業生の保育者経験に関する語りは,保育のやりがいと同時に難しさについてであること,などが明らかにされ,今後のリカレント教育の必要性について考察した。 The purpose of the current study was to examine the eff ects of teacher training guidance for kindergarten teaching practice on self-effi cacy and motivation of students undergoing the training. We investigated (1) how teacher training students’ evaluation of their self-effi cacy regarding preschool teaching changed through teaching practice,( 2) the links between their self-effi cacy regarding preschool teaching and engagement during teaching practice,( 3) their recognition of future challenges as a preschool teacher, and( 4) the eff ects of graduate students’ narratives concerning their experience as a preschool teacher on current students’ motivation for learning. The results showed that students’ understanding of a child and their self-effi cacy regarding preschool teaching improved after teaching practice. It was also found that positive engagement with responsible practice was related to motivated learning in various aspects of teaching practice. Students recognized that educational skills and matured performances as a teacher are their main future challenges. Moreover, whereas graduates who became preschool teachers talked about their satisfaction in their work, they also faced many diffi culties in teaching. The needs for recurrent education are discussed.


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