歯の移動時における漢方薬(Erigeron Breviscapus Co.) 投与の効果についての実験的研究


  • Experimental study on the effect of Chinese herb (Erigeron Breviscapus Co.) on tooth movement in young rabbit



矯正治療における治療期間の短縮は治療上の重要な課題の一つである。治療期間の短縮は、治療の効率化や薬物の局所投与による歯の移動促進で行いうる。後者については,Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) や漢方薬(ErigeronBreviscapus Co.(EBC))を歯肉内注射することにより歯の移動を促進させうるとされるが、注射による痛みは避けられない。そこで、今回の研究では、痛みを伴わずに薬液を歯周組織深部に浸透させうるイオン導入法によりEBCを局所投与した場合と、歯肉内注射した場合とにおける歯の移動速度と歯周組織の組織学的変化の違いについて検討した。また、PGE2を歯肉内注射した結果とも比較検討した。材料と方法:若兎を10匹ずつ、EBC歯肉注射群とイオン導入群、PGE2歯肉注射群、生理食塩水歯肉注射群とイオン導入群に分けた。歯の移動は、矯正用ワイヤーにより、下顎の左右切歯に装着された矯正用チューブにかかる側方への拡大力が50gになるように調整した。イオン導入群では、イオン導入装置の負極を左手腕部に設置し、正極は鉛板に綿を取り付け、この綿に薬液を0.4ml/1回浸透させて下顎切歯唇側歯肉にあて、0.2mA15分間通電した。歯肉注射群では、兎の左右下顎切歯間の唇側槽間中隔部に0.4ml/1回歯肉内注射した。薬液投与は実験開始から2、4、6、8、10、12日目の計6回行い、14日日に左右側下顎切歯間距離を計測して、歯の移動促進効果を調べた。その後、断頭し、浸潰固定した後に脱灰した。脱灰後、通法どおりの処理を行ってパラフィンに包埋し、 ミクロト-ムにて連続切片を作製して、ヘマトキシリン・エオジン染色を行った後、下顎切歯部歯周組織を光学顕微鏡下にて観察した。結果:実験開始から14日目の左右側下顎切歯間の平均距離は、EBCイオン導入群で4.28mmと他の群と有意の差をもって大きかった。また、他の群と比較してEBCイオン導入群で、牽引側における血管の造成が顕著に認められ骨形成も活発であった。一方、圧迫側においても他の群と比較して吸収窩が多数観察された。以上のことから、EBCのイオン導入は歯の移動に伴って生じる骨の改造を活発化させ、その結果、歯の移動を促進させることが示酸された。

One of the important problems in orthodontic treatment is how treatment time can be shorten. This problem may be solved by atment with an efficient procedure or by rapid tooth movement with a drug. In the latter, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) or Erigeron eviscapus Co. (EBC) are known to be used with intragingival injection. However, it is impossible to avoid a pain utilizing this injection method. On the other hand, an iontophoresis method can smose a drug solution into the periodental tissue without a pain. In the present study, EBC was administered during tooth movement in a young rabbit with an iontophoresis method or intragingival injection. Then, the total distance of tooth movement and histological findings in the periodontal tissue were compared among these groups. Materials and methods : 50 young rabbits were used. According to the method of administration of EBC, PGE2, or physiological saline, the animals were divided into 5 groups of ten. Lower incisors of each animal were moved for 14 days with open helical loop fabricated by an orthodontic wire so as to generate 50g of initial force. The positive pole or the negative one in each iontophoresis group was established to lower labial area or a left hand, respectively, and then 0.4ml of each drug solution was administered under 0.2mA for 15 minutes per one time. On the other hand, the same amount of each drug solution in each injection group was injected into a gingival tissue in the labial side between left and right lower incisors. Administration of each drug was executed at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th 10th and 12th day after the beginning of tooth movement. After measuring the distance of tooth movement at 14th day of treatment, the animals were killed. Then, the jaws were demineralized in formate-sodium citrate solution for 10 days, and serial paraffin sections, 7㎛ in thickness, were cut on a microtome. After that, these sections were stained with H-E for light microscopic observation. Results : Average distance of tooth movement in EBC group with an iontophoresis method was 4.28mm and significantly larger than that in any other group (P<0.05). With respect to histological findings, the number of blood vessels in the tension site of the periodontal ligament was prone to increase especially in EBC iontophoresis group. Alveolar bone formation in the ension site was also more active in this group. On the other hand, a significantly more bone resorptive lacunae in the compression site were observed in EBC iontophoresis group as compared to any other group. These findings mentioned above demonstrate that EBC administration with an iontophoresis method appears to evoke more active bone remodeling during tooth movement. Therefore, it is possible that EBC may be useful in efficient tooth movement in the orthodontic field.


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