<Notes>Consideration of Rubrics for Evaluating Digital Content: Proposal of a General Rubric for Evaluating Digital Content
- Yamaguchi, Go
- Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Digital Hollywood University
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- Other Title
- <研究ノート>デジタルコンテンツのルーブリック評価に関する考察 --汎用的デジタルコンテンツルーブリックの提案--
- デジタルコンテンツのルーブリック評価に関する考察 : 汎用的デジタルコンテンツルーブリックの提案
- デジタル コンテンツ ノ ルーブリック ヒョウカ ニ カンスル コウサツ : ハンヨウテキ デジタル コンテンツ ルーブリック ノ テイアン
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The purpose of this study is to consider the characteristics of rubrics for evaluating digital content used at higher educational institutes in foreign countries so that each Japanese university having a digital content education field will be able to evaluate students' learning outcomes. First, we provide a general view of the recent environment surrounding Japanese universities having a digital content education field, and second, this paper surveys previous research related to the rubrics for evaluating digital content. Third, the forward-looking rubrics for evaluating digital content used at higher educational institutes in foreign countries are analyzed, focusing on digital video project rubric, graphic design & illustration rubric, game rubric, and website rubric. Finally, based on the above considerations, a general rubric for evaluating digital content is proposed.
- Kyoto University Researches in Higher Education
Kyoto University Researches in Higher Education 25 47-57, 2019-12-01
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050846637961731840
- NII Article ID
- 120006784437
- NII Book ID
- AN10487452
- 13414836
- 2433/245595
- 030241093
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles