日中近代における伝統芸術解釈の二面性(上) : 「画」と「美術」の認識をめぐって

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  • ニッチュウ キンダイ ニ オケル デントウ ゲイジュツ カイシャク ノ 2メンセイ ジョウ ガ ト ビジュツ ノ ニンシキ オ メグッテ
  • A Study on the Two Character in Interpretation of Tradition Art at Modern Ages of Japan and China(Vol.1) : Recognition of "Hua" and "Meishu"

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Japan and China of modern ages both received the western impact, and the influence produced an influence big as for the tradition art of both nations. It searches for an aspect at that time, and the difference point of the interpretation of the art of both nations is clarified by the thesis of NAKAMURA Fusetu, TUBOUCHI Syouyou, Xu Beihong, Kang Youwei, Chen Duxiu and Liang Qichao.


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