Roles of "Field" of Learning for Young Working People's Learning: A Case of "Labor Gakuen"
- OKUMURA, Takahito
- 比較教育政策学講座博士後期課程3回生
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- Other Title
- 働く青年の学びに果たす学習の「場」の役割 --ラボール学園の学習者の体験を手がかりに--
- ハタラク セイネン ノ マナビ ニ ハタス ガクシュウ ノ 「 バ 」 ノ ヤクワリ : ラボール ガクエン ノ ガクシュウシャ ノ タイケン オ テガカリ ニ
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This study was performed to consider the educational role of educational institutions for working young people from the viewpoint of the learners. This paper discusses Kyoto Kinrosha Gakuen (Kyoto Labor School, 1957-present) , which is one of the active of these institutions. To enhance the learners' life, the educational roles of"to provide resources and circumstances that are required to learn, " "to give space to act as one likes, " "to offer the base of group action, " "creation of human relations, " and "promotion of creation or participation in small groups" are important. In addition, the elements that secure the roles, i.e., the space that can be used after-hours, directors other than lecturers (i.e., tutors), and permanent "classroom" are regarded as important.
- Kyoto University Research Studies in Education
Kyoto University Research Studies in Education 66 289-302, 2020-03-26
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050848249682859520
- NII Article ID
- 120006826743
- NII Book ID
- AA11332212
- 13452142
- 2433/250384
- 030480808
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles