

  • The Persistent Weight Loss by a Moderately Low Carbohydrate Diet Program in Obese People
  • ヒマンシャ ニ オケル タンスイカブツ セイゲン シドウ プログラム ニ ヨル ゲンリョウ コウカ ノ ジゾクセイ



要旨  【目的】肥満者に対して緩やかな炭水化物制限指導に基づく1か月間の減量プログラムを実施し、その効果が自己管理のもと6か月後も持続するかを追跡調査した。【方法】肥満の男女7名を対象に炭水化物制限のみを指導した群(LC 群,n= 3)と、炭水化物制限に加え飽和脂肪酸の制限とn–3 系多価不飽和脂肪酸の積極的摂取を指導した群(LCFA 群,n= 4)を設け、1か月間介入した。介入後、指導内容を継続するかは被験者の自由とし、6か月後に体重・体脂肪量の測定、血液生化学検査を実施した。【結果】追跡期間中に、6名の体重・体脂肪量はさらに減少し、減量効果の持続性を示した。介入により減少傾向にあった血清レプチン濃度は全被験者で増加した。また、栄養指導によりみられた血中脂肪酸組成の変化は消失した。【結論】我々の栄養指導プログラムにより体重減少の効果が6か月後まで持続したのは、個人に合わせた具体的かつ実行可能性の高い指導法によるものと考えられた。

Abstract  Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether our moderately low carbohydrate diet program achieved long-lasting weight loss in obese subjects for 6 months. Methods: Seven obese subjects were randomized to receive either a moderately carbohydrate restriction diet alone(LC group)or a moderately carbohydrate restriction diet together with guidance for dietary fatty acid intake(LCFA group). All subjects were instructed to consume individual portion sizes of carbohydrate-rich staple diet, and subjects in the LCFA group were additionally instructed to consume <7% saturated fat and more n–3 polyunsaturated fatty acids for 1 month. After the 1-month intervention, subjects optionally decided to continue the nutrition program diet, or not. Body weight, serum lipids, and fatty acids were individually measured at 6 months. Results: Body weight and body fat mass decreased in 6 subjects, and the serum leptin concentration increased. Although the LCFA group experienced changes in serum fatty acids via intervention, the change was clear at 6 months. Conclusions: Our nutrition program was effective for weight loss at 6 months following after the intervention. The quantitatively customized instruction and the high feasibility method were required for common practice.


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