

  • 人工惑星による惑星間磁場計測計画
  • ジンコウ ワクセイ ニヨル ワクセイカン ジバ ケイソク ケイカク
  • Measurement of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field by a Japanese Artificial Planet



A project is being executed by our research group to measure the interplanetary magnetic field by the first Japanese artificial planet, Planet-A. A series of successful developments of hig-sensitive ring-core magnetometers provide a new problem how to minimize the artificial magnetic field due to the body magnetization of MST5 to measure the pure IMF at the sensor. Discussions are given to the two problems : design of the sensor boom and a new device to measure the residual magnetism of the parts of the MST5 body. The boom antenna of MST5, EXOS-B, Voyagers 1 and 2, Explorer 35 and Pioneer 10 are intercompared. The MST5 boom is concluded to have to satisfy the length of 4 m at least. Some results of the remanent magnetization of the body parts are presented being based on the actual measurement by a ring-core residual magnetometer that was designed and constructed by our research group.

資料番号: SA0125929000


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