強迫症状を訴える50代女性との面接過程 : コラージュ・ボックス法を通して


  • Interviews with a woman in her 50s having obsessive-compulsive symptoms : Using the collage-box method
  • キョウハク ショウジョウ オ ウッタエル 50ダイ ジョセイ ト ノ メンセツ カテイ : コラージュ ・ ボックスホウ オ トオシテ



Five collage works made by a woman (A) in her 50s having obsessive-compulsive disorders and problems in her daily life were analyzed and the process of changes in her inner world was examined. There were no protrusions in her works. Cuttings, as well as structures, were accurate, suggesting A’s maturity, punctuality, artistic sense, and stability of ego boundary. Moreover, she expressed herself honestly through written messages. She chose an image of a person for the first time in Collage 3, though it was small and facial expressions of the person could not be identified, it expressed her desire to interact with others that had been kept to herself for a long time because she had been avoiding interpersonal relationships. She projected herself into an owl in Collage 1, a small bird in Collage 2, and a toy poodle in Collage 4, suggesting changes in recognition of her self-image. An image of a vehicle was chosen for the first time in Collage 4, indicating her inner world started to move. Her works expressed negative messages about her fatigue due to obsessive-compulsive symptoms and family relationships, anxiety for the future, and despair, as well as positive messages of recollecting the good times of her life, acceptance old age, and bright hopes for the future. Her inner world was affluently expressed through collage works. Overall, her high expressive ability, integration, and affinity for collage were indicated. Through the process of organizing her thoughts and sending symbolic messages in the nonverbal world, she psychologically recovered and came to be able to communicate verbally. Furthermore, it became possible for her to go out and go on trips. Collage expressions were correlated with her inner and outer worlds, and the process of her recovery, which suggested a restart.


  • 国際人間学部紀要

    国際人間学部紀要 (25), 71-91, 114-115, 2019-03-31


詳細情報 詳細情報について

