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- シンジン カンゴシ ノ リショク イシ ノ ジッタイ ト ショクギョウ キャリア セイジュク ニ カンレン スル ヨウイン
- Factors associated with the wishes to leave and career maturity among newly graduated nurses
【目的】入職から 1 年経過した新人看護師の離職意思の実態と職業的成熟度を調査し,それに関連する要因 を明らかにする.【方法】新人看護師76人に対して,自記式質問紙調査を行った.職業キャリア成熟尺度得点と属性,離職意思,適応要因23項目との関連を統計学的に分析した.【結果】 1 年間で「全く離職したいと考えたことがない」は 5 人(6.6%),「あまり離職したいと考えたことがない」19人(25.0%),「やや離職したいと考えたことがある」38人(50.0%),「強く離職したいと考えたことがある」14人(18.4%)であった.職業キャリア成熟尺度得点に関連する要因の分析で有意に得点が高かったのは,看護師になった動機が強いこと(p<0.001),離職を考えたことがないこと(p=0.016),部署の看護師とコミュニケーションがとりやすいこと(p<0.001),患者のことで嬉しい経験・感動した経験があること(p=0.036), 実地指導者との関係に満足していること(p=0.023), 時間内に勤務を終えること(p=0.005),部署内の教育研修に満足していること(p=0.022)であった.【結論】約 7 割の新人看護師が入職後 1 年の間に離職したいと考えていた.離職を考えたことがない人は職業キャリア成熟尺度得点が高かった.
Objective: The aim of this study were to investigate the wishes to leave and the career maturity of newly graduated nurses, and to identify factors associated with their level of career maturity. Methods: Self-administered questionnaires were administered to 76 nurses within one year of graduating from school and beginning a career in nursing, and included factors related to attribution, wishes to leave, and adaptation, in addition to the occupational carrier maturity scale. A t-test, a one-way ANOVA, and the Tukey-Kramer HSD test were performed to analyze statistically the associations of the four factors. Results: Five nurses (6.6%) responded "I have never wished to leave" within one year after starting work, 19 nurses (25.0%) responded "I have not felt much wish to leave," 38 nurses (50.0%) responded" I have wished to leave a few times," and 14 nurses (18.4%) responded " I have strongly wished to leave." Having higher motivation to become a nurse (p < 0.001), having never wished to leave (p = 0.016), being on good communication terms with nurse colleagues (p < 0.001), having experienced positive encounters with patients (p = 0.036), having a good relationship with supervisors (p = 0.023), having no overtime work (p = 0.005), and being satisfied with training opportunities (p = 0.022) were found to have statistically significant associations with professional career maturity. Conclusion: About 70% of newly graduated nurses have wished to leave within one year of starting work. Nurses who had never wished to leave tended to score higher on the occupational career maturity scale.
- 保健学研究
保健学研究 31 15-24, 2018-07
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050850247193955840
- 120006974718
- AA12200909
- 18814441
- 10069/38387
- 029193958
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles