

  • ロウジン ホケン シセツ ニュウショシャ エ ノ セイカツシ チョウシュ ト ナラティブベースト ナーシング
  • Effects of life-story-narrative based nursing for aged people



高齢者は各人それぞれ長い生活の歴史を持っている.今回,老人保健施設入所中の健康障害を持つ高齢者4名に本人の生活史を語ってもらい,それを参考にした看護介入narrative based nursingを実施し,その効果を検討した.生活史聴取を用いた介入により,3事例に表情の変化,日常生活の活動力や意欲に変化が見られ,看護問題の解決にいたった.この3事例については12-15回の聴取を実施した.過去を振り返ることで,自尊感情を高め自己肯定が見られ,生きる力を強め,問題解決によい影響を与えた.また,生活史聴取に基づく精神的ケアを身体的ケアと連動させて実施することによって看護効果が高まった. 看護・介護職員への意識調査によると,生活史聴取は,対象への個別理解を深化させ,ケアに活かせる個人情報を与え,個別ケア実施のきっかけを与えた.またそれによって,相互関係が深化され,職員の老年者観も肯定的なものに変化した. 本研究で,高齢者に生活史を語ってもらい,それを看護に活かすことの有効性が示唆された.しかし,1事例では体調不良のため生活史聴取を2回で中止した.生活史聴取の方法や適用基準,看護への応用,その評価についてはさらに検討していく必要がある.

Interviews on life-story of four aged persons dwelling in a nursing home were conducted as a process of narrative based nursing. Effects of talking one's life story and of listening it were analyzed. Three subjects completed interviews and showed positive effects, whereas the remaining one dropped out from interview because of deteriorated health condition. Interviews for each subject were comprised of 12-15 sessions. Positive effects of narrating and listening of one's life story were 1) recovery of self-esteem by the subjects and making positive attitude for life, 2) increased understanding of others (other aged persons in the nursing home and staffs) by subjects, and making better human relations, 3) improved physical health as an outcome, 4) increased information for staffs and improved nursing services by using such information, and 5) increased staff's understanding of subjects and improved nursing services with deeper understanding of subjects by staffs. Know-how of letting a person narrating one's life story, of listening it, and utilizing them for better nursing must be further elaborated.


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