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  • シロボヤ ノ セイチョウ ニ ツイテ
  • On the Growth of Styela plicata (LESUEUR)

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The growth in body length and weight of Styela, collected at Sakibe Inlet in Sasebo Bay from 1958 to 1961, were investigated. 1. The relations between length-weight and length-breadth were shown according to the early summer and autumn generations respectively. 2. The growth rates in length, breadth and weight were found to be considerably greater in the early summer generation than in the autumn. It may probably be due to the different conditions in temperature and food during their growth periods. 3. Natural death of the early summer and the autumn generation will occur from May to July and from August to September in next year respectively. 4. Good growth was found in depths below the middle layer because a number of large size specimens were found in these layers during the period from spring to early winter. 5. The survival and wight increasing rates in young Styela populations were greater in the early summer generation than in the autumn. In old populations growing more than three months their survival rates are assumed to be about 100 per cent, and the weight increasing rate will become constant in each generation.

佐世保湾崎辺浦で'58年より'61年の間に行ったシロボヤの生態観察の資料より,以下の諸点についてまとめた. 1. 付着後の生育期間別の体長,体幅を推定した.さらに体長一体重,体長一体幅の関係についてのべた. 2. 初夏に付着した個体は,秋に付着したものより生長度(体長,体幅,体重)がよい.これは両世代の付着後の環境条件(水温,餌等)の違いによるものと思われる. 3. 本種の寿命は約1年間で,初夏付着世代は翌年の5~6月に,秋世代は翌年の8~9月に死亡する. 4. 好適な生育層は中層以深である. 5. 付着後3カ月までの群の生残率と増重率は初夏世代が秋世代よりも大きい.3カ月以上では生残率は100%に近くなり,増重率は各世代でほぼ一定値になるものと推察される

長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.12, pp.33-40; 1962


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