CD8+ T cell activation by murine erythroblasts infected with malaria parasites

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Recent studies show that some human malaria parasite species Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax parasitize erythroblasts; however, the biological and clinical significance of this is unclear. To investigate further, we generated a rodent malaria parasite (P. yoelii 17XNL) expressing GFP-ovalbumin (OVA). Its infectivity to erythroblasts was confirmed, and parasitized erythroblasts were capable of initiating malaria infections. Experiments showed that MHC class I molecules were highly expressed on parasitized erythroblasts. As CD8+ T cells recognize MHC class I and peptide complexes on target cells, and are involved in protection or pathology against malaria, we examined whether erythroblasts are targeted by CD8+ T cells. Purified non-parasitized erythroblasts pulsed with OVA peptides were recognized by OVA-specific CD8 + T cells. Crucially, parasitized erythroblasts isolated from GFP-OVA-, but not GFP-infected-mice, activated OT-I CD8+ T cells, indicating that CD8+ T cells recognize parasitized erythroblasts in an antigen-specific manner.


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